Art through the eyes of Dean McDowell

Above I have photographed two research pages looking at the Artist Dean Mcdowell. Dean Mcdowell is a well known artist for painting facial expression and in particular he focuses on depression. I have used his work to produce to large paintings of my model using his painting techniques.

Figure Drawings

In college recently I have been looking at different artists who produce illustrations of the figure in extrodinary ways. We have been discussing the movement and posture of the figure and what that could represent. Above to the right is an example of a piece of work I produced looking at a the artist Amelie Hegardt. The way she expresses the figure is very freehand and simplicity of the designs show so much thought throughout each illustration

A coat of many colours sketch ideas

Above is simple sketches of my basic Design ideas of how I could produce my coat of many colours. This page is not so much focused on the detailing of the coat but looking more towards the shapes and sizes I could use as a basis to get the structure of the garment.

American Quilt Mood Board Research

Photographed above is my Americian Quilt inspired mood board. The design brief I am currently working on is "A coat of many colours." To get inspiration to design a coat I looked at American Quilt designs. As i particulary liked the differnt techniques used to make an American Quilt I decided to use my research along with spare material to design my own American Quilt.

Sketch book design ideas

Above I have photographed a variety of Design ideas from various sketch books, some of which are dress sketches and some are watch design ideas. Each design has been analysed to a high standard. As a designer I realise that there are ways to improve a design to succeed maximum potential of what could be produced. Some of my annotation includes materials I could use to make the garment, techniques, cost, target audience etc. I have also photographed a sample of some CAD watch designs i produced using Google Sketchup. 

Theatre costume sketch book ideas

Here I have chosen six sketch book pages created from my brief "Theatre Costume combined with animation costume." As I wasnt given a specific brief I thought it would be interesting to look at how Theatre Costumes differ from the animated film costumes. I visited Theatre Clwyd as they held open a exhibition of all the Theatre costumes produced and used over the last 50 years. I was able to speak to one of the costume designers and ask for advice on how I could go about making my own garment look more theatrical.

Lady Gaga inspired final garment

Photographed above is my final garment being worn by my model Emily Beech. I wanted to show outrage all through the outfit, as it seems Lady Gaga shows no limits when it comes to fashion. I did this by creating a main focus on the exagerated clown sleeves aswell as broadening the width of the tutu skirt. Although it is barely visible on the photograph I have tried to show the lighting i have sewn into the bottom of the skirt. This garment is something I am extrememly proud of as it took alot of testing to get it just as i visualised.